How you present your news is just as important as its content. Some of these suggestions are specific to GoogleNewsSubmit
‘s distribution support.
Mixed instance. NEVER SUBMIT A PRESS RELEASE IN ALL UPPER CASE LETTERS. This is very bad form. Even if your release makes it past GoogleNewsSubmit’s editors ( highly unlikely), it will definitely be ignored by journalists. Use mixed case.
Correct grammar usage. Usually follow rules of grammar and style. Errors in grammar and style affect your credibility. Excessive errors will cause your press release to be rejected by GoogleNewsSubmit’s editors.
Word processor. Write your press release on a word processor instead of composing online. Writing online will not achieve best results. Take time to do it right. Write, print, proof read. Rewrite, edit.
No HTML. Never embed HTML or some other markup Ianguages in your press release. Your press release will be distributed over a wide array of networks. Including such formatting will negatively impact the readability of your press release.
More than one paragraph. It is nearly impossible to tell your story in a few sentences. If you do not have more than a few sentences, chances are you do not have a newsworthy item
Summary paragraph. GoogleNewsSubmit asks you to include an one-paragraph summary. Some distribution points only receive your headline, summary and a link to your press release. If you fail to include a summary paragraph, you may reduce the effectiveness of your press release.
Do not include your e-maiI address in the body of your release. We have a special place during the submission process that you should include your é-mail address. If you include your e-maiI address in the body of your press release, you run the risk of receiving spam. This is because your e-maiI address will be available to the general public. Spiders routinely scour the web harvesting e-maiI addresses for spammérs. Provide your é-mail address just in the area (s) provided through the submission process.
Ticker Symbols. Never consist of ticker symbols of others without their express composed permission.
Formatting Your Press Release