d'Alene, ID – Just released "Golgotha" is a new book by
biblical scholar and researcher Bob Cornuke. The book details
Cornuke's recent discoveries that may suggest Jesus was crucified in
a different location than previously believed. Cornuke is also known
for finding evidence that suggests Solomon’s Temple was not on the
current Temple Mount site.
recently led a tour to the area in conjunction with a Holy Land tours
organizer, Living Passages at Get Cornuke's
book at:
made a number of discoveries that added evidence to the belief
Solomon's Temple was actually located in the City of David. This
caused him to wonder if Jesus had been crucified in a different
used biblical references to place a new Calvary in the Silwan
neighborhood across from the City of David. Normally the neighborhood
is off limits to visitors. But when Cornuke led a Living Passages
group to the area, a chance meeting with a friendly local guided the
party to just the place Cornuke had seen described in the Bible.
was actually standing at the foot of the stone cliffs I had come so
far and had spent so much time and treasure trying to see: the cliffs
of the Silwan village. I gazed up at several ancient split-open
tombs, which were exactly as the Bible described! My mouth went chalk
dry. Could this be the place? Could these cliffs actually be evidence
revealing where Christ was crucified?" Cornuke states in the
first chapter of Golgotha.
though Gordon’s Calvary and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher are
visited with swarms of sightseers daily, they are both fraught with
many geographical flaws. Simply put, they do not align with
Scriptural directives. These inconsistencies with the Bible are
examined in detail in this book," Cornuke said.
in the Living Passages tour group were thrilled and inspired by the
things they saw.
Lu, a traveler who was with Cornuke on the new crucifixion site, said
“I am convinced that we saw the real deal temple and crucifixion
sites and that Dr. Cornuke's findings could perhaps be a game changer
for Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike.”
discovery is discussed in full detail in Cornuke's new book Golgotha.
The title is another word for the crucifixion site.
Contact: Rhonda Sand
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