New York, NY / The average person looking to spruce up a webpage or e-store does not have the advanced understanding of graphics necessary for the top-line work, but Picture to People is going to change that in a revolutionary way.
The site features graphics projects and a portal for professional, online graphic design apps that visitors can use. There are also pages available for users to create their own graphics. Input the information on the site, and users can self-deliver quickly and easily.
“We have designed this to make it as simple as possible for the casual user,” said Leonardo Almeida, Project Leader, “and visitors are not required to create a profile for their projects.”
Users who browse the site will quickly discover more than just graphic design apps. There are logo effect generators and photo effect editors that will rival some of the best paid products on the market. Users can find various tools to give their photos almost any look they want.
Almeida notes, however, something very important, “we want our visitors to be sure they understand the fundamental concepts behind the project and site. All of us at Picture to People are supporters of Creative Commons, open source and sharing for the greater good.”
Everything on the site is 100 percent free for any reason from non-profit to commercial. The site and site owners do not even ask for or expect credit for anything, but simply want a small request in exchange for using the site and its tools.
“Show us a bit of love on social media. Give us a 'Like' on Facebook or a recommendation on Google+,” said Almeida.
Additional information, including examples and how to use the site is available on the page. Visit for more information.
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